Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Soda Can Mountain!!!

So My Roomies built soda can mountain! We have too much time on our hands =) lol. Now that soda can mountain is complete, it is time to build soda can pyramid. THEN... soda can Cinderella castle!!!! lol

My Apartment VLOG!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Day

So today was my first real day of training at the Electric Umbrella. I arrived an hour early for my shift because I had already overselpt and missed a training day...NOT GOOD lol... So I arrived hella early. When it came time I finally Clocked in. as i received my first job for the day which was burger making, my trainer greeted me by saying, "Welcome To Hell", I don't know what was up his panties today lol. I had a great day. I got a chance tto talk to people from around the world, and interact with the cutest children ever. I'm telling you... nothing makes a 2 year old as excited as chicken nugets, not even Cinderella, lol jk, but the kids were cute. One little boy was singing Alejandro to his older brother it made my whole night. =) overall I had a great day, learned a lot. Can't wait to learn more =)

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So I know I was Packing about a week ago for Florida, lol, but i just now got the time to upload it. I brought a lot in my bags, and also am getting some stuff shipped to me. I will be uploading more stuff soon =)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



so i chopped off all my hair for disney =) im really starting to adore the new look. I think it looks great. At first I thought it was terrible and I wore a beanie for a week because part of it were so short it looked like i was balding, however ive figured out how to style it so that is no longer an issue. I'm really excited about the new dew cuz its a fresh start for me, and I'm ready for Whatever Disney Throws My Way =)